Fear Free Videos

See How Fear Free Visits Work by Watching Our Team in Action


Many dogs HATE having their nails trimmed, this video shows how a dog that is fearful or even aggressive for nail trims can be easily taught to LOVE the nail trimming process!


Watch Paige, the Shepherd Mix demonstrate how a previously aggressive dog can learn to be relaxed for routine procedures through the use of counter-conditioning techniques. 


This video demonstrates the two different treat delivery options for owners who are doing counter-conditioning programs. The treat delivery techniques are outlined in all of the handouts on counter-conditioning, this is just a visual example of how to do them.


This video shows Bob Marley, an 8month old german shepherd puppy who presented for body handling problems. He was very afraid when we tried to restrain him and fought and panicked. We started counter-conditioning, and this video shows how great Bob Marley is with restraint now! 


This video shows a plain old fashioned happy visit with a happy puppy!


This video demonstrates how we use fear free for every day procedures such as blood draws, vaccines and nail trims.


This video shows a fearful puppy getting vaccines given using fear free techniques.